Survey Preparation
what to expect and how to prepare for a State and Federal Survey.
- “Mock” Survey – for Hospital, Swing Bed, Nursing Home (NF or SNF), Assisted Living
- Our qualified consultants look at all areas of your facility and make an assessment in terms of compliance to the regulations and give you a report of the results, along with recommendations on how to correct problem areas.
- Survey for “Critical Access Hospital” designation
- Understanding Level 1 and Level 2 of the survey process
- Mandatory tasks
- Critical Care Areas
- The New Survey Process for Long Term Care
- Investigation Protocols of the new survey process, including: Abuse, Weight Loss, Dining Room, Pressure Sores, Hydration, Staffing, and Adverse Drug Reactions.
- Surveyors are mandated to review Quality Indicators over 75% as well.
- The Seven Survey Tasks:
- Off-Site Survey Preparation
- Entrance conference – on site
- Initial Tour
- Sample Selection
- Information Gathering
- Information Analysis for deficiency determination
- Exit Conference
- Sentinel Events
- The three Sentinel events: pressure sores, fecal impaction, dehydration
- How to ensure events don’t occur and if they do, the documentation needed and care provided.
- Quality Indicators links Care
- Review the 24 quality indicators and how their use can impact resident care
- Review how the quality indicators impact the survey process
- Complaint / EMTALA : Emergency Medical Treatment Active Labor Act
- EMTALA regulations
- How to comply
- Risk Management
- Regulations for Kansas or Nebraska
- Help in setting up your program
- Setting policies for your facility
- Documentation needed
- Reporting requirements