Since we all know that Medicare Skilled Nursing resident stays can be very complicated, RHD gave three workshops on “Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Perspective Payment System (PPS) Utilization and Billing” in April. The first one we had scheduled for Ogallala was postponed due to the blizzard but we were able to reschedule for a later date in April. Attendance was great. We had two sessions at the RHD office in Lincoln with approximately 12 at each session and we had approximately 50 attendees at the session in Ogallala. With the challenges that Medicare poses, everyone had experiences to share and processes to compare. It is important that all SNFs know the rules in order to manage their Medicare utilization, and to assist the Medicare resident in their choices and care. If a resident qualifies for skilled services, the service may be rehabilitation with physical therapy, occupational therapy and/or speech therapy or it may be skilled nursing services that qualify them for their Medicare covered stay or any combination. Regardless of the service, our RHD facilities will be able to assist the Medicare beneficiary in their care.