Spring Weather Activities!
Although Mother Nature
does not seem to be aware that
spring is officially here, by the calendar
it arrived a month ago. There
will be lovely days to take our elders
outside to enjoy the emerging
spring flowers and trees. We often
take for granted our time outdoors,
but our elders don’t always
have the opportunity to enjoy this
privilege because they rely on staff
to take them outside.
Being outside was a way of
life as many of them lived on farms
and ranches or grew flowers and
planted gardens. It’s very important
to incorporate daily outdoor
time in their routines. Take your
activities outside. Exercise groups
and walking can be done outside.
Enjoying the fresh air, listening to
the birds singing, and feeling the
sunshine is not only good for the
soul it helps in the natural production
of vitamin D. Make time, take
time. Happy spring!