On-Site Administration
RHD has experience recruiting excellent administrator candidates, and we believe in working with our managed facilities on selecting the optimal fit for their community. With a management contract, RHD will employ the administrator. This provides both the facility and the administrator with many benefits. RHD can often attract a stronger administrator candidate than an independent facility can on its own, as RHD has the advantage of being able to offer the administrator benefits that an independent facility might not be able to afford to offer all of its employees (health insurance, 401(k) matching, etc). RHD also provides many continuing education hours to our administrators, keeping them up-to-date on the evolving world of health care management. Additionally, the facility can see additional efficiencies because RHD is better equipped to keep a pulse on the day-to-day happenings of the facility by directly employing the administrator.
Rural Health Clinics
- Rural Health Feasibility Studies
- RHC Certifications
- Independent RHC Cost Reports
RHD has assisted over 350 clinics across the country in becoming an Independent or a Provider Based Rural Health Clinic. We do cost reports for the IRHCs in all regions within each of the various Fiscal Intermediaries. Personnel are available for clinic operational analysis whether it is a fee-for-service or an RHC. Workshops or seminars, to include topics such as billing, coding, documentation, management strategies for RHCs or perhaps cost reporting fundamentals, that your community would like presented are also part of our services. Personnel are available by phone to answer your questions.
Nurse Consulting
Our “Mock Survey” is an excellent tool to help your community become compliant to State and Federal Regulations, as well as save you thousands of dollars in fines and penalties which could be imposed in the event of an unfavorable survey.
Operational Analysis
An analysis of each department by professionals and suggestions for implementing adjustments that will result in greater efficiency for personnel, equipment and resources.
- Accounting and Bookkeeping
- Accounts Receivable & Collections
- Administration
- Benchmarking
- Billing
- Budget and Financial Reporting
- Chargemaster
- Coding
- Community Relations
- Corporate Compliance
- Medical Records
- Patient and Resident Care
- Pharmacy
- Physical Plant
- Programs and Activities
- Professional and Technical Staff
- Quality Assurance
- Staffing Levels
Reimbursement Maximization
Maximizing third party reimbursement is essential. Our firm is known and respected as an expert in this field. Please call for a no cost, no obligation consultation. One of our professionals will be happy to visit with you at your convenience.
Strategic Planning
We can help your health system develop and implement a strategic plan for the current and future health needs of your community. Go from surviving to thriving with the RHD team!
- Identify Health Needs
- Analyze: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
- Set Goals
- Create an Action Plan
- Place the Plan in Motion
RHD Inservices:
Dietary and Nutrition
Environmental Services
HIPAA Specialists
Know the Regulations
Nursing Leadership and Staffing
Surviving A Survey
Dietary and Nutrition:
Dietary Regulations
Regulations affecting the dietary department
New survey protocols
Documentation needed to prevent deficiency and to ensure proper nutritional needs for residents.
Weight loss / Dehydration / Nutritional Risks
New survey protocols including the WHP group (weight loss, hydration, pressure sores)
Residents at nutritional risk
Documentation and care that should be provided
Risk factors
Documentation needed
Compliance hints
Dining Room Experience
New survey protocols
How to set up a dining room enhancement committee to meet the residents’ needs
Environmental Services:
Maintenance Department
Regulations affecting the maintenance department
Documentation needed to fly through surveys
Housekeeping Department
Regulations affecting the housekeeping department
Documentation needed to soar through surveys
Infection Control
Infection Control regulations
Documentation needed to ensure proper infection control techniques are being followed in the facility
Safety / Restraints – Chemical & Physical
Review restraint regulations
How to recognize potential restraints
Review the importance of assessments and documentation in restraint use in affording residents the proper care
HIPAA Specialists:
Insuring your facility is compliant with the new HIPAA regulations is essential. Our personnel can assist you through the process of implementation and providing the tools to assure compliance in the new health information privacy regulations. Please call to see what RHD can do for your facility.
Know the Regulations… and how to comply:
We have experts who can help your employees have a better understanding in each of these areas with the result of a better quality of care to your residents.
Activities regulations
Documentation needed
How to assess residents’ Activity needs
Activities’ role in MDS / Resident Care
Consumer Satisfaction
Importance of consumer satisfaction
Techniques for achieving greater consumer satisfaction
The importance of documentation in the liability of the facility
How documentation should support the care given
HIPAA Implementation Education & Tool
The importance of compliance with regulations
What steps to take to implement HIPAA within your facility
MDS/CAAs/Care Planning
Importance of the accuracy of RAI process
How to write a Resident centered careplan
Importance of documentation as a corporate compliance issue
Adverse Drug Reactions / Medications Administration Review
The Beers List and documentation needed to support use of medication on the list
How surveyors are reviewing medication administration and medication errors
How to reduce psychotropic drug use and document appropriate use
Medication Aide Responsibility
Pain Management
How to set up a program
Documentation needed
Pressure Sores
New Survey protocols
Review regulations concerning pressure sores
Documentation needed
Interventions to prevent pressure sores
Description of avoidable and unavoidable pressure sores
Quality Assurance
Review Quality Assurance regulations
How to strengthen your Quality Assurance Program
The role committee plays in facility
Restorative Nursing: Bowel / Bladder, Dining Room, ADL’s
Review regulations, clinical indicators and how surveyors review this process
What restorative nursing can offer
Skilled Nursing Facility Implementation
Skilled Nursing Facility regulations
Documentation needed to ensure skilled services are warranted
How to bill for Skilled Nursing Services to Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B
Social Services
Social service regulations
Documentation needed to ensure the psychosocial needs of the resident are being met.
Social Service’s role in MDS / Care.
Swing Bed Regulations and Documentation
Who qualifies
Documentation needed
The Three D’s: Delirium, Depression, Dementia
How to assess and differentiate between the D’s
Review care and how to care plan for the D’s
Understanding Dementia Care
Discuss the seven stages of dementia
Learn dementia care techniques
Review care plans and behavior management for each stage
Nursing Leadership and Staffing:
We offer in-services to fit every employee in your facility – from Managers to Aides – everyone is important and everyone has a role and a responsibility in the care of the resident!
Director of Nursing
Role responsibilities
Charge Nurses
Duties of the charge nurse
Importance of being a leader
Empowering the Nursing Assistant
Importance of the Nursing Assistant as a vital part of the team
How the Nursing Assistant’s care impacts the resident/survey process
Staff Competency / Evaluations
Importance of doing staff competency evaluations
When to do them
Staff Development
What is staff development
Importance of staff development
Abuse Regulations
New survey regulations reviewed
How to perform an investigation
Surviving a Survey:
Know what to expect and how to prepare for a State and Federal Survey.
“Mock” Survey – for Hospital, Swing Bed, Nursing Home (NF or SNF), Assisted Living
Our qualified consultants look at all areas of your facility and make an assessment in terms of compliance to the regulations and give you a report of the results, along with recommendations on how to correct problem areas.
Survey for “Critical Access Hospital” designation
Understanding Level 1 and Level 2 of the survey process
Mandatory tasks
Critical Care Areas
The New Survey Process for Long Term Care
Investigation Protocols of the new survey process, including: Abuse, Weight Loss, Dining Room, Pressure Sores, Hydration, Staffing, and Adverse Drug Reactions.
Surveyors are mandated to review Quality Indicators over 75% as well.
The Seven Survey Tasks:
Off-Site Survey Preparation
Entrance conference – on site
Initial Tour
Sample Selection
Information Gathering
Information Analysis for deficiency determination
Exit Conference
Sentinel Events
The three Sentinel events: pressure sores, fecal impaction, dehydration
How to ensure events don’t occur and if they do, the documentation needed and care provided.
Quality Indicators links Care
Review the 24 quality indicators and how their use can impact resident care
Review how the quality indicators impact the survey process
Complaint / EMTALA : Emergency Medical Treatment Active Labor Act
EMTALA regulations
How to comply
Risk Management
Regulations for Kansas or Nebraska
Help in setting up your program
Setting policies for your facility
Documentation needed
Reporting requirements